ECAT Information:
New website
We are proud to announce that we have launched our new website:

To navigate to the different topics on our website you can use the menu at the top of the website.
To access six commonly used topics we have created special buttons: Programme, Registration, Login, POCT, Education and Accreditation.
The button “Registration” is meant for new registrations and not for the annual resubscription for existing participants. This is done via the Participant Area.
To access the Participant area, e.g. for result submission or to get access to you survey report, you can use the option “Participation Area” in the upper menu or the special button “Login”.

In the section Latest News you can find for instance when a new survey report is available.

In the section Important News special announcement can be found, e.g. the availability of the recording of our recent webinar.

Finally, if you have a question to ECAT you can use the Contact Form at the bottom of the website.

Don’t forget to enter your labcode when using this Contact Form.
We hope you will enjoy our new website
The ECAT team