Today we are pleased to send you our digital Newsletter which aims to provide you with some important ECAT information and relevant articles in the fields of quality control and/ or laboratory diagnosis in thrombosis & haemostasis.
Enjoy reading.
Petra van Velp
ECAT Webinar

During the last ECAT symposium September 2022 prof. dr. Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis gave an excellent presentation on the interpretation of Z-scores used in the ECAT survey reports. This included also an explanation of the bivariate Z-score plots recently introduced in the ECAT survey reports. Unfortunately, this presentation was not recorded. Therefore we decided to organise a webinar on this topic. We are very grateful that prof. dr. Tsiamyrtzis is willing to contribute to this webinar. This webinar can be followed free-of-charge, however registration is mandatory. The registration opens soon at the ECAT website.
Participant area
The participant area gives you access to, for instance, the survey result submission forms, the survey reports and documents. Within the Participant Area you can choose the required action as result submission or downloading a required report. Recently we have updated on our website the access to the participant area. Select in the menu on our website (www.ecat.nl) the option Participant Area. To login to the Participant Area you select the blue button “Click here”.

Now you have to login and you enter into the Participant Area.
Survey manual
The Survey Manual 2023 is now available at our website. To get access to the Survey Manual, please go to the Participant Area. In the top menu you see the option View Documents. Select this option.

At the bottom of the page you will see a section with useful documents. Here you can find your Survey Manual. If you want you can download the document and store it on your own pc or make a print of the document.
Changes in several modules
With the start of the external quality assessment programme 2023 we have introduced a number of changes in several modules. Below we summarise these changes. More details can be found in the Survey Manual 2023.
Haemophilia Programme
The modules related to laboratory testing for haemohilia A and B are now included in a separate programme: Haemophilia Programme. For this programme a separate result submission form and survey report is provided. These modules are not included anymore in the Main report.
Lupus Anticoagulant
For Lupus Anticoagulant it is now possible to report results for a mixing test performed with the confirmation reagent separate from the mixing test with the screening reagent.
For the Thromboelastography Programme the number of parameters for which results can be submitted is extended. Results for the following parameters can be submitted:

It is now possible to submit results for three test systems.
ECAT Information:
New Publication

We are proud to announce a recent publication in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM). Together with our colleagues from NOKLUS we have performed a systematic review of published data on the biological variation for coagulation and fibrinolytic measurands. This is publication can be reached with the following link: https://www.degryuter.com/document/doi/10.1515/cclm-2022-1207/html
Soon, the data from the meta-analysis will be added to the EFLM Biological Variation Database (https://biologicalvariation.eu)
Literature Highlights:
Recent publications
Below we list some interesting recent publications in the field of thrombosis and haemostasis, and laboratory diagnostics. Because of the enormous number of publications we have limited our reporting to just a small list of interesting publications. It is not our intention to provide you with a complete overview. We hope this list supports you in your awareness of interesting publications.
Laboratory testing
- Favaloro EJ, Mohammed S, Vong R, Chapman K, Kershaw G, Just S, et al. Harmonizing platelet function analyzer testing and reporting in a large laboratory network. International journal of laboratory hematology. 2022;44:934-44.
- Cabo J, Morimont L, Baudar J, Guldenpfennig M, Jacqmin H, Soleimani R, et al. Variability among commercial batches of normal pooled plasma in lupus anticoagulant testing. International journal of laboratory hematology. 2023;45:126-36.
- Yamaguchi T, Shinozawa K, Nagatoishi S, Mitsuhashi A, Bingo M, Inaba H, et al. In vitro validation of chromogenic substrate assay for evaluation of surrogate FVIII-activity of emicizumab. Thrombosis research. 2023;222:131-9.
- Lancellotti S, Sacco M PhD, Tardugno M, Mancuso ME, De Cristofaro R. Measurement of extended half-life recombinant FVIII molecules: In vitro and ex vivo evidence of relevant assay discrepancies. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2023;7:e100070.
- Vanstapel F, Orth M, Streichert T, Capoluongo ED, Oosterhuis WP, Cubukcu HC, et al. ISO 15189 is a sufficient instrument to guarantee high-quality manufacture of laboratory developed tests for in-house-use conform requirements of the European In-Vitro-Diagnostics Regulation. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2023;61:608-26.
- Sciacovelli L, Padoan A, Aita A, Basso D, Plebani M. Quality indicators in laboratory medicine: state-of-the-art, quality specifications and future strategies. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2023;61:688-95.
Upcoming Events
23rd Annual NATA Symposium
20-22 April 2023, Athens, Greece
WFH 2023
10-12 May 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ISLH 2023
11-13 May 2023, New Orleans, Louisiana,
XXXI ISTH and SSC 2023
24-28 June 2023, Montreal, Canada,
For more events, please have a look into our Calendar.